More than 50,000 parents love Funzy!

Based on 2125 reviews
Funzy play sofa
Xenia Debés Atienza

Muy buen producto, estoy muy contenta a mi peque le encanta!❤️

Funzy play sofa
Miriam Rajczenko
Super fast shipping

Great product

Funzy play sofa
Vanessa Liebschwager

Funzy sofa

Funzy sofa
Marine Casciani
Very good product

The Funzy coach is very nice, my kid is happy to play with it !

Funzy play sofa
Andrea Mueller
comfortable and versatile

great sofa made of individual parts that can be creatively rearranged. fun for the whole family!

Funzy play sofa
Margherita Ferrara Sahin
Great sofa

The delivery was fast. My kids love this sofa. From second one, they played with it right away!

Funzy play sofa
Erika Eriksson
Fantastiskt fin soffa!

Barnen älskar den, fem stjärnor från mig!

Great product!

My daughter was very happy with it. She (4) and her brother (10) play with it for hours. A great product for building dens and creative play.

Great sofa

My son loves this sofa.

Funzy play sofa
Christina Rehm

All the kids happy!

Funzy cushion set
Manjana Jordan
Funzy pillow set

Fast delivery, good quality.

Funzy play sofa
Katrin Biedermann
Super great sofa

Very good quality and versatile.

Funzy Cover Set
Marco Ruch
Top service

Unfortunately, the old cover had a small manufacturing defect, whereupon we got a new cover without bureaucratic obstacles uncomplicated sent.

Completely satisfied

Super fast delivery. Complained about loop. Immediate, friendly feedback from customer service and fast, free delivery of a new cover. Super service and a great sofa. Our kids love their Funzy!

Funzy play sofa
Michal Krska


Funzy play sofa
Stefanie Ligendza

Super nice

Funzy play sofa
Michael Aaron Peduru Aratchi

Funzy play sofa

Finally it arrived

The delivery time had doubled but when it arrived, the joy was great. The play sofa is very well made, the fabric is firm but also nice velvety soft. The color dino-turquoise is bright fresh and
smells completely neutral The mattresses are stable and it can be replicated everything Funzy promises. It even came with a picture book with a cute story and assembly suggestions. My grandchild 4 years is thrilled.

Funzy play sofa
Teresa Mayerhofer
Top simply mega

Children (4 and 2 years) have mega fun
Only to recommend

Funzy Sitzsack
Karin Mann

Wir haben die funzy Produkte für unsere Enkel gekauft! Sie lieben das Sofa, die runden kleinen Kissen und nun haben wir auch die Sitzsäcke. Im Spielzimmer, auf der Terrasse, überall werden die Sachen bespielt und heiß geliebt. Und uns freut, dass die Sachen so hochwertig sind und so gut aussehen- perfekt 🤩👍🏻

Hallo Karin,
danke für deine positive Bewertung des Funzy Sitzsacks! Wir freuen uns sehr zu hören, dass deine Enkelkinder unsere Produkte in verschiedenen Bereichen deines Zuhauses genießen. Wir sind stolz darauf, hochwertige und optisch ansprechende Artikel zu schaffen, und es ist wunderbar zu wissen, dass sie von deiner Familie geliebt werden. Danke, dass du dich für Funzy entschieden hast, und wir hoffen, weiterhin Freude in die Spielzeit deiner Enkelkinder zu bringen!

Beste Grüße aus dem Funzy Kundenservice